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To be registered with AWEX a Wool Classer must have successfully completed the qualification of Certificate IV in Wool Classing or for Owner Classer registration the Certificate III in wool clip preparation.

Qualification details can be found at

Contact details for Wool Classing training can be found at

By registering with AWEX the wool classer is agreeing to abide by the Rules of Registration.

All registered Wool Classers must ensure that all greasy wool bales carrying the issued Wool Classer’s ID Number (stamp or stencil) have been prepared by Wool Classer on-farm and comply with the requirements contained in the Code of Practice. Wool classers' Code of Practice.

There are four categories of registration for individual Wool Classers.  These are:

Master Classer (MC)

Master Classers (MC) registered in this category are: Current AWs registered with AWEX who have completed an AWEX approved Training Program for Master Classers

The MC is required to have the following attributes:

  • Must be actively woolclassing for the last three years,
  • Must class a minimum of 4 clips or 250 bales per annum on average,
  • Must have ability and desire to further their wool knowledge, and
  • Must demonstrate good character, judgment and capacity for leadership.

To obtain Master Classer status, attendees will be required to attend a 4-day workshop at the nominated selling centre. They must pass an open book exam at the course on the Wool classers Code of Practice.  Retention of Master Classer status will require meeting the conditions as described in the Rules for Registration

Australian Wool Classer (AW)

A registered AW wool classer is recognised as being competent to class any wool in Australia to the Code of Practice. An AW stencil may only be applied by the registered person on wool that has been classed by them, on farm. AW stencils are not to be applied to Classing House or off farm preparation environments.

Owner Wool Classer (OC)

Registered Owner Wool classers (OC) are registered to class ONLY wool that they have a direct interest in as outlined in the Rules of Registration.

An Owner Classer is registered only to class wool on farm from sheep that:

  • they own or part own or of which they are the manager; or
  • their mother and/or father owns or part owns, provided that the Owner Classer works on the property; or
  • their son and/or daughter owns or part owns, provided that the Owner Classer works on the property.

Classer Associate (CA)

Classer Associates are wool classers that are qualified for OC or AW registration, however, they are not currently active. A CA registration preserves the original qualification and allows the Classer to receive all publications, etc.  This registration maintains your details on the AWEX Register as an inactive Wool classer and you will not receive a Stamp, Stencil.  As a CA you can convert back to an AW at any time, provided the Wool classer Development Program is undertaken, as outlined in the Rules.

Find out how to become a Wool classer.

Wool classers must comply with the Code of Practice for the Preparation of Australian Wool Clips when classing wool that will be marked with their Wool Classer Identification. The Code of Practice has been developed, over a number of years, by participants in the Australian wool industry and defines the requirements for classing wool. For more information on Wool Classer Registration or the Code of Practice please contact AWEX on (02) 9428 6140 or email


A separate category of Wool classer is available to organisations who prepare wool. This category is suitable for off farm preparation and rehandle environments. Find out more about Classing House Registration.